Refund policy
For returns, refunds, and exchanges, please contact customer service within 24-48 hours of receipt. Since our packages are perishable, please inspect your package immediately upon receipt. We will do everything possible to re-route orders for timely delivery but cannot be responsible for the damaged or compromised product due to the following:
1. Delayed deliveries due to weather or other "Acts of God".
2. Incorrect addresses. (* Please be sure to include apartment, suite, or floor numbers, as needed.)
3. Delivered to the specified address, yet package wasn't received.
4. Gift shipments sent to recipients who are out of town or otherwise unavailable to receive their shipment. Please notify the recipient of the pending arrival of perishables!
5. Package received but contents not refrigerated within 24 hours allowing for unnecessary spoilage (all boxes are clearly marked "Perishable").
6. Items that have been discarded or consumed.